Interview date

Dear applicants,
The interview schedule is available now.
Interview date: July 24, 2019 (Wednesday)
Interview schedule will be announced at the beginning of next week.
Interview venue: Bucheon University in Tashkent (former Pedagogical college named after Yunus Rajabiy).
Address: Tashkent, Chilanzar district, Katartal-2 str., 38A
Landmark: “Mevazor” mahalla, Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent

Interview details:
·     Interview will be of general psychological nature. No profession-related questions will be asked.
·     Interview is time limited. Each applicant will have a minute to reply. If an applicant goes over his time limit, professors might stop him/her.
·    An applicant can answer in any language. University translators will be present at the interview. The score will not be affected by chosen language. The score will reflect the quality of the answer.
·    One must bring his/her passport and registration paper. (those applicants who left their registration paper at the test venue, must ask university staff members before the interview starts).
·    There is no specified uniform, but applicant's appearance must be tidy (no beach wear is allowed).
·     All tele- and radio communication devices are not allowed.

Best regards,
Administration of Bucheon University in Tashkent.