Overview of freshmen orientation

There were several freshmen orientation sessions held on 4th and 6th of October. We would like to give you an overview of the orientation. 

1. Academic life

Classes for the department of preschool education (full time) and Korean language are held between 9am and 6pm. 

The timetable is as follows:  1 lecture– 9:00 / 2 lecture– 10:00 / 3 lecture– 11:00 / 4 lecture– 12:00 / 5 lecture– 13:00 / 6 lecture– 14:00 / 7 lecture– 15:00 / 8 lecture– 16:00 / 9 lecture- 17:00.

Classes for the department of preschool education (evening course) will start at 18:30 on Monday and Tuesday, and at 9am on Saturday. 

Academic classes are BUT 1,2,3,4,5 (on the 2nd floor), BUT 6 and 7 are on the 5th floor. 

The University follows Korean education system. The maximum GPA one can get is 4.5. The maximum score one can get per lecture is 100 points. 

The scoring system is as follows: А+ (equals 5+)/ A (5)/ B+ (4+)/ B (4)/ C+ (3+)/ C (3)/ D+ (2+)/ F (Fail). If a student gets D+ over two times, the student will be excluded from the Universtiy. 

100 points include attendance, midterm and final exam scores, homework assignments and individual projects. Professor in charge has the right to change scoring system in his class if necessary. 

4 absences mean F for the lecture. Tardiness affects the score as well. Two late comings are counted as one absence. Therefore, 8 times coming lates are equal to 4 absences and lead to F grade for the semester. 

      2. Student life

The main objetive of the University is to make student life at our University unforgettable. We are planning to hold a proper student orientation in Novermber in order to build team spirit. 

*** Students are asked to wear the uniform while staying at the University of Uzbek Language and to bring their passports untill we provide student ID cards. 

Best regards, 
Administration of Bucheon University in Tashkent.